About the sub-program

Clean Energy Transition

Program: LIFE

The LIFE sub-programme Clean Energy Transition has a budget of almost €1 billion for the period 2021-2027 and aims to promote the transition to an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and sustainable economy by coordinating funding and support measures (other action grants) throughout Europe.


Detailed information

Building on the success of the Intelligent Energy Europe (2003-2013) and Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency (2014-2020) programmes, LIFE's Clean Energy Transition sub-programme continues to support the implementation of EU sustainable energy policies, in particular the European Green Deal, the Energy Union ( energy and climate goals until 2030) and the European Union's long-term decarbonization strategy until 2050.

In the LIFE Clean Energy Transition Sub-programme, actions with high added value of the EU, which aim to overcome market barriers that hinder the socio-economic transition to sustainable energy, and usually involve a range of small and medium-sized stakeholders, a large number of actors, in including local and regional state authorities and non-profit organizations, as well as consumers.

Projects are co-financed under the LIFE sub-program Transition to clean energy in the following five areas of activity:

  • development of national, regional and local policies to support the transition to clean energy;
  • accelerating the deployment of technologies, digitalization, new services and business models, as well as increasing relevant professional skills in the market;
  • attraction of private financing for sustainable energy;
  • support for the development of local and regional investment projects;
  • involvement and expansion of opportunities for citizens to transition to clean energy.

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